Re: Satan_doc on Solaris 2.3 (fwd)

Jeremy Foot (
Thu, 23 Mar 1995 11:20:02 +0000 (GMT)

> Following an attempt to run the satan_doc perl script on
> a Solaris 2.3 platform, the reconfig and make appear to
> run ok, but on executing satan, I get the following error
> cannot get SOCK_STREAM from sys/ or
> /usr/include/sys/socket.h at line 23.
> Has anyone else run into similar problems with perl5
> on Solaris, and if so could someone enlighten me with
> the necessary patch ?
> petev 
> ----- End Included Message -----

Yep, I had this problem. Eventually I gave up on socket.h. Wrote my own 
header based on some site specific stuff. Basically SOCK_STREAM = 1 for 
Sunos4 and 2 for Sunos5. Whichever genius decided to change this wants 
binding to a very lonely address. SOCK_STREAM and other such constants 
;-0 are hard coded into lots of things like anf
